This turns your SAP CML into a first-class present value calculator. Correct. Cost-efficient. Comfortable.
Together with several insurance companies, we have developed a solution that guarantees SAP CML users the highest precision in calculating present values, clean values and interest rate sensitivities such as convexity and duration: The COMPIRICUS Loan Valuation Tool for SAP CML. It completes a gap in the Market Risk Analyzer standard and, through seamless integration, makes it the “single point of truth” for generating market-compliant valuations while taking into account the following calculation logics:
Customer feedback
“COMPIRICUS implemented the legal and customer-specific requirements to our complete satisfaction and supported us with their know-how during the project. The cooperation was professional and solution-oriented at all times.” (Michael Sprößig, IT Coordination, ERGO Versicherungsgruppe AG)